7 Simple Ways On How To Write A Rap Song
the word rap? Do you ever think of…
poetry? The two really aren't that
different. As a poet you need to be
able to incorporate rhythm and flow
into your pieces to make it sound
appealing. Rap does the same thing.
Poets often try to give their poetry
visual elements by using figurative
language (like metaphors). The
challenge with rap is making the
piece appeal to the ear while
conveying your message quickly, and
keeping rhythm. Get started writing
your very own rap, and who knows--
you may be the next Drake Or M.I Abaga!
1. Brainstorm.
Choose your topic and let your imagination run wild. To get started, many artists freestyle for a bit and
write down every thought, idea,
and emotion that comes to mind. Use this as your inspiration.
2. Create a hook.
The basic layout for a rap is intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus, outro. Many rappers
start writing the hook (chorus)
first. The hook captures the theme of the rap, and conveys its message to the audience.
Rappers and lyricists in general
start with this because the chorus is what people remember and take from a rap. It sets the rhythm and flow, and inspires what is said throughout the rap.
3. Write lyrics.
Use the brainstorming you did along
with your chorus as a guide for
what you are writing about and
to build onto your ideas. Keep
in mind that you have to maintain a rhythm since rap is music as well as poetry, and both follow a beat. Some
lyricists listen to a beat as they
write to help keep their rhythm.
4. Be personal.
Don't lie in your raps about who you are, but to get your point across, you
might want to use use hyperbole (exaggerating to the
extreme). Typically, lines rhyme
in a rap, but the words don't have to match exactly--it all depends on how you say them
(for example: orange:storage).
Always keep your message and
audience in mind.
5. Organize.
Once you have an idea of what you want to say, organize your ideas. Break them up into verses while you
keep in mind the layout for
most basic raps:
6. Memorize.
Being able to recite your words from memory allows you to keep the flow and rhythm of it. So practice,
practice, practice! Read and reread your piece until you're sick of it. Play around with the tempo to see what sounds better with your style. Just don't rap too fast--you might trip up
on your words.
7. Rap and share.
With the rhythm down and the words engraved into your memory, you're ready to rap. Record yourself rapping
in front of a crowd or even
alone in your room and share it
on the site along with the lyrics!
Let your (rap) voice be heard, and get going on your next masterpiece.
Culled from PowerPoetry.Org
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